domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Rencontre Eurosophia du 15/8 au 20/8 à Athènes

Michel Joseph 
Rencontre Eurosophia du 15/8 au 20/8 à Athènes sur la situation 
dans les Balkans , je ferai la conférence d'introduction sur la situation 
actuelle spirituelle et sociale de l'Europe.
Eurosophia meeting of 15/8 to 20/8 in Athens on the situation in the 
Balkans, I will make the introductory lecture on the spiritual and social 
situation of Europe.

Balkan meeting 2012
Preparatory meeting for the Balkan Conference
Athens, Greece
15 - 20 August 2012
"Das Gewahrwerden der Idee in der Wirklichkeit ist die wahre
Kommunion des Menschen", Rudolf Steiner

Even before the first world war there were attempts to steer the
Balkan Slavs in spheres, where they could not develop the
proper qualities needed for a future civilization.
How is the situation today?

What does it mean the prolonged economic and political crisis
in Europe? Is there a connection between the Balkan countries
that can give a new impulse to Europe?

In this meeting we will look at the historical development of
this area of South-East of Europe, the cultural treasury there,
the geographical picture, the mythological prophecies, the
spiritual movements in recent times, etc.

Some topics:
• Mythology
• Reading from the Apocalypse
• The constitution plan of Rigas Feraios for Balkan
• Kyrillos and Methodios
• From the Bogomils to the Cathars
• Petar Deunov of Bulgaria (Master Beinso Douno)

The meeting will take place at the Waldorf Kindergarten
“Ouranio Toxo” in Peania (East of Athens, near the airport).
Address: Diadochou Konstantinou 1

Please contact us to meet you at the airport (give us the flight
number). Tel: (0030) 210 3311324(Michalis) and
(0030) 210 6025712 (Sophia)

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